SGaanuwee Studios is an Indigenous owned and operated film production company located on the west coast of British Columbia, committed to sharing stories of (re)connection as a path towards healing. 

Chantal Adams

Director | Writer

Chantal grew up with the teachings and Haida laws of respect and consent. Along her journey, she realized how important deep meaningful connections and conversations were to her: along with belonging and connection to community, land, and water. Wanting to continue building connections, in a healing way with people, Chantal pursued a degree in Child and Youth Care with an Indigenous Specialization. She became involved in re-search with Kinship Rising, that re-centers Indigenous ways of being through arts and land-based methodologies. It was through this journey that she found her passion for research and storytelling. It is Chantal’s keen affection for people, nature, healing, reclamation, and belonging that drives her research and creative journey. 


Gabriel Swift

Cinematographer | Editor

Gabriel has always been fascinated by the process of creating art. Intrigued by stories about the power of the natural world and the human condition, he witnesses how visual storytelling provides an outlet to share stories across cultures and generations that can make lasting impacts on our lives and the decisions we make. He has worked alongside an award-winning team as a cinematographer on the feature length film “Coextinction.” Everyone has a voice, a perspective, and a story, they just need to be heard. Gabriel’s focus is on creating films that heal and foster connection to ourselves and the natural world. 


There are many people involved in the making of documentaries and we could not do this work without their support and collaboration. We work with an incredible roster of freelancers and value their collaboration.